Top 6 Tips When Traveling Alone

Top 6 Tips When Traveling Alone

Traveling alone is one of the most glorious pleasures in life, but not everyone would jump at the chance to explore the wide world alone.

There are, of course, safety concerns (especially when you are traveling to a country that you are not familiar with) and the consistent worry that you will never enjoy your trip alone. Here are a few tips for those who would like to travel by their lovely lonesome.

Shake off the fear of being lonely

One of the most important hurdles that people who want to travel alone need to get over is the fear of being alone. This does not mean that these people are not comfortable with being alone in their own countries. Travel companions make problems encountered during the trip a bit bearable (especially if you have experienced some setback together), but they can also drag you down when they encounter something trivia and self-centered. Plus, there is plenty to learn about yourself whenever you are traveling alone and chances to meet interesting people.

Enjoy your selfishness

Deciding what you want to do or do not want to do each day you are away is a rare treat. Often, what we go about our daily lives going through the motions and following other people’s decisions and orders. When you travel alone, you do not have to consider a companion’s wishes of visiting a place that you do not want to go to, or eat in a crappy restaurant because your companion wants to dine there. There will be no one who will complain that you spent too much shopping or checking out local attractions. Being by yourself frees you from the itinerary of a travel companion.

Do not put on your “I’m lost!” face

When traveling, it is impossible not to be lost at least once, especially if you are in an unfamiliar place. Should you get lost, do not whip out your giant map while wearing a clueless expression on your face. Appear confident whenever you are traveling alone—even if you are not really feeling it. If you really need to consult your map, then you can duck into a doorway or a shop as not to attract any unwanted attention from other people. Walk confidently and hold your head high.

Be aware of your safety

Traveling alone, of course, is not 100 percent guaranteed to be safe. This means that you have to be realistic about the dangers of traveling solo. Do not walk into dark alleyways with virtually no people around, do not accept drinks from strangers, and always check guidebooks or travel blogs for safety tips.

Do not be afraid of dining alone

Most people are terrified of the idea of eating alone. But once you have gathered the courage to travel on your own, go the full mile and treat yourself to a nice dinner by your lonesome. Doing so is not lonely—you will find that it is a great occasion to talk to other diners.

Accept the fact that you would not save money

Having a travel companion will allow you to split the costs of a hotel room or a meal. Yes, it might be more expensive to travel on your own, and the sooner you accept this fact, the sooner you will warm up to the idea. After all, what is paying a little extra for an extra memorable adventure?